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Saturday, November 22, 2008

I have a new job!

Well, it's only temporary, but it's a start. I'm doing bookkeeping for Guinness Gallagher. It's an accounting firm. I'm not an accountant but I've done one paper in accounting and they really needed extra hands on deck.
It's a work from home job, they've given me a computer, but I'll be using my own for most non-work computerey activities. I have been into the office and it's really nice although I did feel quite out of place. Working at home is more like doing assignments than working (which believe it or not I actually did last time I was studying)
I've also decided to go back to university in February. I need to get in touch with various lecturers and figure out exactly what papers to take.
Dramatic decisions abound: I have also decided to start a small business custom building computers. I had been thinking the only computer I'd built from scratch so far hadn't worked, but on second thoughts the one I'm writing on now contains only two of the parts it had when it was first given to me (the case and the floppy disk drive).
The one I plan to sell will need a few more parts before it will function. Some of the parts I'd bought for it are now making my own computer work. I need to somehow figure out whether it has a motherboard problem or a dead CPU.


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