Machine learning
I've already mentioned to a couple of people that I'm working on a machine learning algorithm. Tonight I managed to find the bug that made it do things it knew wasn't good (or rather, the bug that made it divide how good it thought something was by the number of times it had happened) and it now passes the first two unit tests I wrote for it. Passing the first one is less impressive though because all it tests for is that the algorithm tries all its options before picking a favorite, but the second test involves it actually learning.
If you would like to play with it, here is the download location. Currently I don't have anything as fancy as a configure script (that's a future feature), but the eclipse project files included are able to build it automatically provided you have the vala compiler installed in /usr/bin/valac.
This archive contains full source and linux i386 binary.
Current features:
- Novel input motivated reinforcement learning system
- Rapid convergence to optimum behaviour for low dimensional input
Future features will include:
- A means of hierachially organising modules (for increased scalability and generalising)
- Increased ability to learn from sequences of events (partly using the hierarchal arrangement)
- Working memory
Labels: AI
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