Unemployment and animal photos
Well, firstly, this is my second weekday in this round of unemployment. If you need a programmer or know anyone who does then please check out my cv.
On a more interesting note: I have recently been to the zoo and photographed some animals
One of my favourite animals for a long time: the malayan sun bear. They've got the best idea on how to spend a Sunday afternoon.
A Serval. The largest of the small cats, though from what I remember small cats are a paraphyletic group. Servals have proportionally the longest legs in the cat family and can jump up to three metres in the air.
I touched this giraffe's nose: really soft.
I think this might be the same giraffe.
A younger giraffe that I didn't touch.
A chimpanzee holding he baby. So cute. Chimpanzees are quite dangerous though this was taken through glass.
Another long-time favourite. I wonder what they feed meerkats in Wellington zoo.
Emperor tamaril. I love this guy's moustache.
Kea: if you want your car completely disassembled these are your guys. Turns out kea are the next most intelligent species on earth after humans. They might have started a civilization if they had a more detailed means of communicating.