Photos, ramblings, whatever

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Camera no more

On Friday night my camera was stolen. It was basically my own fault. I had it in my backpack, which I put down to put my jacket on, then forgot to pick up when I went away. I was a bit annoyed about it. I lost a few photos as well as the means of taking any more but I can live with that.
I still have no job, but since Monday I had a girlfriend. She's in China so I think having a plane ticket would be very nice - unfortunately I can't afford one yet, especially with no job.

Last night the internet connection here stopped working. Turned out that unlike all previous occasions it was actually the wireless router, not the ADSL router that was to blame. Past experience had me resetting the ADSL router again and again in vain.

This is the lucky girl, in her opinion. In my opinion it's me that is lucky.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Funny pictures

Just found these on the internet: very amusing

My favorite is the determination one!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The world's gone to the (robot) dogs!

Two dreams last night.
#1: I was walking into town and came across a bridge over a mighty river (neither is there in real life). I was not allowed to cross without chaining myself to the safety rail with a rock-climbing harness.
#2: A dream of two parts. First I was climbing some rickety old stairs and got my foot caught. I figured out I would need someone to brace my shoulder if I was to free it without falling down the stairs. An old friend I don't think about much happened to come along with some guy and she braced my shoulder for me.
At the top of the stairs there was a girl whose name I knew in the dream to be Lydia. She was talking to a white cube with a black robot eye in the middle. After a while she left and I decided to introduce myself to the cube. Here's a transcript of the conversation:
Me: hello
Cube: hello
Me: you're the first of your kind that I've encountered
Cube: likewise
Me: what about Lydia?
Cube: she's a golden retriever.
Me: what about those two over there?
Cube: they are all golden retrievers.
I left feeling a bit stressed out over the conversation and met up with a few androids. Can't remember what I did or talked about with them though.