Photos, ramblings, whatever

Monday, May 11, 2009

New letterbox

I have a new letterbox which I made myself. It even gets mail, although that's because someone wrote the wrong address when they wrote to someone else.

Oh, and last weekend I visited my parents, fixed their computer, and photographed the cat. I'll be looking after the house and pets when they go away for the weekend after next, so I can photograph the cat and dog even more!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Certain things in my life right now are like having to run a race, where everyone else is allowed to run but I have to ride a giant tuatara.
Tuatara an ancient family of reptiles vaguely related to lizards. They spend most of their time completely motionless, and when they do move it's usually not very far before they stop for a rest.
I still don't have internet at my home because my landlady postponed it saying there was something else she wanted me to sort out first. That's sorted out now. I'll ask again next week if I'm allowed to get the internet then. In the meantime, I will be using my portable hard-drive a lot. Yesterday I almost used it to install eclipse on my home computer, I think it's just 2 libraries that I still need to fetch.
With that installed, I'll be able to work on the group project from home, although I'll still need to use the university computers every day for the svn update and commit to keep my work up to date with what my teammates are doing (so far they haven't done anything, but I'll be seeing them at class today)
One of my teammates is something of an enigma. He's in my lab but he wasn't there this week and the only time I've spoken with him was when he joined my team. He could be super-smart or he could need our help for everything. The other two are both pretty intelligent and seem to know what they're doing most of the time. I'm less worried about one's aversion to for-loops than the lab tutor is: he managed to get the program running just with while-loops!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Numbers of bits

Last night I installed the AMD64 version of Ubuntu 9.04 onto my new computer. Tonight I'm deleting it and reinstalling the (older) 32 bit version. Basically: the Linux kernel allows you to run 32 bit software under the 64 bit system, but the Ubuntu userspace has several safeguards to prevent you from doing so. I would rather waste some CPU capacity than be unable to run the drivers for my printer, and being unable to run skype once I get the internet at my place would also be a nuisance.
I still don't have the internet at my place, but I will very soon.