Photos, ramblings, whatever

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Lake Onoke

Yesterday I went with my mother and brother to Lake Onoke and various places to have an explore etc.

Lake Wairarapa. A view we had of it quite early on.

My brother and I.

A cormorant taking off over Lake Wairarapa.

The cormorant had been sitting on this fence. I'm not sure what it's supposed to fence in.

There was some interesting plant life in the park where we stopped to take those pictures.

Going the wrong way, we found a farmer moving some sheep.

One sheep sulked. We made sure it didn't run in the wrong direction. It didn't: it sulked until the farmer came back for it.

Here's my brother exploring around the beach where we ended up after going the wrong way. The stream cuts through a ridge that would otherwise be continuous.

Taken from just behind the ridge.

Going the correct way to Lake Onoke.

Because of the way it's holding its head, this cormorant looks like a duck. It's on a fencepost in the middle of a puddle next to Lake Onoke.

Lake Onoke. The town on the other side is called Lake Ferry. This led to the commonly held but mistaken belief that Lake Onoke is also called Lake Fery. The town isn't actually named after the lake, but named because it used to be one of two ports for a ferry accross the lake.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The weekend

This weekend was one of the low points of my life. I had posted a very detailed description of the events, but decided to delete that.
I have now lost my job for complaining that I wasn't paid. Now, the sensible thing for my boss to have done would be to pay me. Now instead he has fired me. Now I don't want to work for a guy who does this kind of thing, but he owes me $1560 gross. Now I'm not sure what that is after tax, but I'm sure the net amount is more than the $0.00 he has paid me so far.
Now, I think when I am finally paid, that will leave me enough money to finally complete my project computer and use it to start a business. I hope I don't need to go to court to make sure I am paid but I am prepared to do this if necessary.
I'm also prepared to go to court to get a restraining order for the other guy that messed up my weekend.